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Not a writer? No worries. Here you will find the writing help you've been looking for to start or finish your memoir. Janine Vance now offers private and personalized writing sabbaticals. You can work with the award-winning author of Americanized '72, The Search for Mother Missing, and Adoption History 101, plus numerous other books on Amazon and Barnes & Noble to finally see your memoir in print.

Give Yourself a Writing Chance.

Janine is an international award-winning author of numerous books of all genres and screenwriter of many feature-length screenplays. Her books have been Amazon bestsellers in several subcategories including Women's History, Social Activism, Meditation, and Adoption. She won Gold and Silver for four of her books and placed first in the category of Adventure for her second memoir from various international book clubs. Janine holds a religious Master's Degree in Metaphysics and a Doctoral in Philosophy, specializing in Conscious-Centered Living. With almost 25 years of researching, writing and bookmaking experience, she makes for an optimistic and forward-thinking writing partner. When Janine's first memoir '03 (now titled Americanized '72) was read by Dr. Maxine Mimms, the founder of Evergreen College (best friend with Maya Angelo and mentor to Oprah Winfrey), Janine became inspired to uplift others with their own memoir writing journey. Her favorite philosophers include Lao Tze, Confucius, Siddhartha Gautama, and even Bruce Lee.

You Matter.

Your Story Matters.

What Happened to You, Matters.

Make time for yourself and the writing of your story. Janine will help you start or finish your book according to your needs. Do it before someone else swipes the pen and takes your glory!

Start a New Chapter...

At this time, Janine only works with writing partners in person. Janine sees the human spirit and the human will with the utmost regard. Next time you plan a trip to Washington State, hit two birds with one stone and make time for Janine and her twin sister, Jenette, to start or finish your memoir. Janine can personally guide you from wherever you are in the writing process to wherever you want to be. Janine will listen to your experiences and help you write your first draft, update your already published book, or transform your book into a screenplay.


Janine will give suggestions on how to move past writing speed bumps and hurdles so you can feel free to share your amazing story and inspire others. She’ll also give you ideas and prescribed meditations to let go of troubling events that have only sabotaged you in the past! These suggestions will help your story to flow out.

Janine is led by her instincts and intuition. She sees you not as a client but as an equal partner—a writing collaborator. Sure, you can write your memoir on your own, but that can take years to figure out--decades even. In Janine's case, it took more than two decades. Why not use her successes and learn from her failures? In a session with Janine, she will confide in you what NOT to do, as well as what you CAN do for fast and easy success.

Let's Unlock Your Genius

Feel like you're not a writer? Janine felt the same way when she started. Book a private sabbatical with Janine and her twin today. They will pay for one night at a beautiful hotel in their area and take you out to dinner before the session begins. Janine loves to help non-writers tap into their intuition and turn their experiences into the book of their dreams. Janine reduced 20 years of writing struggle into an interview with you catered to pull out that book you've always wanted to write but didn't know where to begin. Your answers to her questions will access the memoir already bursting at the seams to finally be heard.

Writing Help to Fit Your Needs.

Always wanted to write an inspirational memoir but don't have the time or the money to go back to college? Don't know where to begin? Or maybe you've already started writing a story, but don't know how to finish it. Janine gives you the secrets to write your bestselling story from the inside-out typically taught only in a few elite programs at expensive universities. In personalized interviews, Janine offers mini-writing sabbaticals to cater to your needs when you don't have a lot of time.  You reap the rewards. In private sessions, you will create a meaningful memoir from the inside out.

In a personalized writing interview, she asks carefully crafted questions that will build your plot, create suspense and meaning with ease, and organize each chapter based on your life events. All the content you need for a memoir. Her questions will quickly help you find the right answers. No more floundering! You can finish your memoir today!

 Young Woman Contemplating

Overwhelmed about writing?

Sometimes, how you write is more important than what you write. Janine will give you winning strategies to finish your memoir in record time. She developed a methodology for writing books that will help you to complete your memoir in record speed.

Ray of Light

Want to add inspiration to your story?

Want to add inspiration to your story but don’t know what the inspiration from your life is? Janine will listen to your story, find it, and gently nudge it out for you. 

Portrait of Young Man

Feel guilty about something?

Sometimes when we feel guilty about something, it sabotages us from writing and publishing. If you feel a little guilty or ashamed about something, and you're not sure if you should write about it, you can confide in Janine. She will absolve it and help you release it. As a minister and a doctor in philosophy, she’ll look at your situation with compassion, empathy, and non-judgment.

A Tower of Stones

Need to clear your mind but don't know how?

Janine will give you 25 ideas on how to write for easier flow so you will finish your story.

Janine reduced more than two decades of isolated struggle, hard work, and research to create a streamlined storytelling interview process that you can benefit from.


Worried about your protection?

Janine has ideas that can give you confidence while writing—and relief if you have something to say that is outside of your community's ability to accept and understand.

Book on Table

Already wrote your book?

Janine will listen to your concerns and help you rewrite or update, plus give you resources to editors and other trusted writing partners

Want to add additional layers? Janine will tell you what could possibly be missing or what you could add to bring your story to life.

Additional Benefits:

Writing and Publishing can serve as the most effective mental health solution for trauma survivors. Sometimes we experience trauma and we don't even know it occurred! Self-reflection, automatic writing, and meditation can be beneficial and even result in healing the past for a peaceful future.


If you feel unsatisfied and restless:

Discover your dreams and how to achieve them.

Unlock your life purpose.

Find meaning in some of the trauma you've encountered.

Improve self-esteem.

Change sabotaging beliefs.

Empowering meditation scripts.

Tips on relaxation.

Overcome negative self-talk.

Leave Your Legacy.

Writing can be isolating, but it can also leave you satisfied and even proud and accomplished. Sometimes you find you've been at your computer all day stuck on just one word or one paragraph. Janine can give you advice on how to relax your mind so you can enjoy the story-telling process. At the same time, you will leave the special mini-vacation feeling nourished and empowered and you will know exactly how to start, finish or uplift sagging memoir middles. You will leave the sabbatical with secret skills and confidence to keep your memoir interesting and inspiring. Sure, you could take years to try to figure it out on your own, but finishing your book would be much easier when partnered with an experienced Amazon-best-selling author.

Make a little time for yourself and leave your legacy in a paperback book. Later, you can transform your book into a screenplay if you want. Or, you can write the screenplay first, and transform that into a book. Need a specialty book for a beloved relative, a business, or for your own proud accomplishment? When it comes to memoir writing, Janine is your informant. She knows the right questions to ask to get you to the finish line. You keep the credit & the copyright! Get your book written and get it written now. It's never too late or too early to begin. (Janine's father published his memoir at the age of 88.) See your story in print once and for all. Keep it private, or sell it worldwide. It's your choice!

Do it for Your Loved Ones.
Do it for Yourself.

Janine understands every single step in the writing and publishing process. Do not waste 20 years like she did trying to figure out how to publish your story. Janine's success is measured by your finished story. Get in touch today and find out how she can help set you on the path to a completed book.


Find the author's books on Amazon, Goodreads, or apply for book writing sessions and services with the author and see your story in print once and for all. Completely confidential.


For EVENTS or to book an appointment with Janine and her twin, Jenette,


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